International projects incubator.
Free spaces for creative entrepreneurs.
Idea developmetn through examples of various specializations.
Workshops, CampusTECH, Creative Jams...
Network of local collaboration by the L.O.F. in the environment of Atlantic Youth Creative Hubs project.
Join the L.O.F.
LUGOPENFACTORY is a comprehensive creativity based project in Galicia, Spain. It’s an answer to the marginalization of art and creative materials in all fields, with a special attention to the audiovisual world and prototypes of new technologies.
It’s also a youth and a development service to support the creation of social and creative enterprises in new environments through empowerment of young people who give solutions for the possible future social problems.
In addition L.O.F. It is a commitment to the future of the planet through our fields of international volunteering. We develop an innovative methodology of youth thinking for their involvement in society through environmental volunteering. We also involve youth in international volunteering projects through different European mobility organizations and programs in order to empower young people through non-formal education.
Our centre is based on a communal model of four European countries through the AYCH Project which is a social binder of international creative young experiences. We present you an open, an unique space where you can do a lot with an active schedule that you can form your steps.
Youth Leaders of Europe
Our Youth Association Lug Open Factory is working side by side with other organisations from Galicia, Portugal and Italy in this project called Youth Community Leaders in Rural Areas of South Western Europe more Known as YouLeaders *(Project funded by the Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 2 “Cooperation partnerships in the youth”) What do we do […]
“YouLeaders the key role of Young people”
by Iheb Fendri The project, titled “YOUTH COMMUNITY LEADERS IN RURAL AREAS OF SOUTH-WESTERN EUROPE“ is being implemented in collaboration with multiple partners. Lug Open Factory and the Galicia Europa Foundation from Galicia, two NGOs (Cáritas and Rostro Solidario) from Portugal, as well as a University of Rome called LINK and the Agrigento Trapani Foundation, […]
RESERVE THE DATES Rural communities will be analyzed in Lugo 𝐀𝐘𝐂𝐇 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐉𝐀𝐌 The partner of the AYCH project, Vida Láctea, begins its Mission in Lugo with a Local Creative Jam that will serve to recruit young men and women to develop its mission. Our partner has chosen the Mission: RURAL INNOVATION, YOUTH PARTICIPATION AND […]