

Posted on

We’ve had two weeks of great meetings and projects. Soon we will have a lot of things coming up where creativity, innovation and technology have a lot to do. #lugopenfactory #coworkinglug2


Dolores Carrasco

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Graphic Designer We will come to introduce you to our coworkers, all of them professionals in creativity who make our space of cooperation and synergy a real knowledge gap in the middle of Lugo. Dolores Carrasco, or Lole for @s amig@s, is a graphic designer who has been developing her work with great taste for […]


Green Voices of Europe

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Green Voices of Europe The new YE ”Green voices of Europe” will start soon (on Friday) in our hostel Albergue Lug2 in Lugo. This YE is all about the topics; green living, climate change mitigation, climate change damages etc.🌍🌳 The main goal is to analyze climate protection in Europe from the perspective of young people […]


VR technology in the Residencia de Maiores A Milagrosa

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Yesterday at the Lug Open Factory we had a beautiful experience. We went to the Residencia de Mayores A Milagrosa with virtual reality glasses so that the elderly could experience the sensations they can have through technology. Many thanks to Conchi and Alex for this magnificent afternoon. #lugopenfactory #lugopenfactorysocial #coworkinglug2 #VR


Program #outonoxose

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Today we have with us the young men and women of the program #outonoxose of @xuventudegalicia in which young women from all over Galicia will spend creative weekends in the field of technology learning a lot of things. Here you can see them choosing the motives for the 3D! #lugopenfactory #coworkinglug2 #alberguelug2


„La Espada de San Eufrasio“

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And we continue with congratulations because our coworker Miguel (@miguelentinta) continues to present his collection of “La Espada de San Eufrasio” comics with great success. Miguel is the illustrator of our Lug Open Factory and is developing his work in the coworking but at the same time a teaching job for boys and girls and […]


Online meeting with Rita Cortes

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Today we had a meeting with Rita Cortés by European Creative Hubs Network to create work synergy in future projects in our hub and visualize the ways we can to collaborate in the European network. Thank you very much for the meeting Rita! #lugopenfactory #coworkinglug2 #europeancreativehubs @aychEU